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x86 Family

Almost all major processors from Intel share a common ISA (Instruction Set Architecture). These processors are highly backward compatible, with most instructions unchanged over generations, but only added or extended.

NOTE: An ISA defines the instructions supported by a processor, register size, addressing modes, data types, instruction format, interrupts, and memory organization. Processors in this family fall into the broad category of CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computers). The philosophy behind them is to have a large number of instructions, with variable length, capable of performing complex operations, over multiple clock cycles.


The basic working units for x86 processors are registers. These are a suite of locations within the processor through which it interacts with memory, I/O, etc.

x86 processors have 8 such 32-bit registers. Although any of these can be used in operations, for historical reasons, each register has a specific role.

eaxaccumulator; system calls, I/O, arithmetic
ebxbase register; used for memory-based addressing
ecxcounter in loop instructions
edxdata register, used for I/O, arithmetic, interrupt values; can extend eax to 64 bits
esisource in string operations
edidestination in string operations
ebpbase or frame pointer; points to the current stack frame
espstack pointer; points to the top of the stack

In addition to these, there are some special registers that cannot be directly accessed by the programmer, such as eflags and eip (Instruction Pointer).

eip is a register that holds the address of the current instruction to be executed. It cannot be directly modified, programmatically, but indirectly through jump, call, and ret instructions.

The eflags register contains 32 bits used as status indicators or condition variables. We say that a flag is set if its value is 1. The ones commonly used by programmers are:

NameExpanded NameDescription
CFCarry FlagSet if the result exceeds the maximum (or minimum) unsigned integer value
PFParity FlagSet if the low byte of the result contains an even number of 1 bits
AFAuxiliary Carry FlagUsed in BCD arithmetic; set if bit 3 generates a carry or borrow
ZFZero FlagSet if the result of the previous instruction is 0
SFSign FlagHas the same value as the sign bit of the result (1 negative, 0 positive)
OFOverflow FlagSet if the result exceeds the maximum (or minimum) signed integer value

NOTE: If you follow the evolution of registers from 8086, you'll see that initially they were named ax, bx, cx etc., and were 16 bits in size. From 80386, Intel extended these registers to 32 bits (i.e., "extended" axeax).

Instruction Classes

Although the current set of instructions for Intel processors has hundreds of instructions, we will only look at a small portion of them. More precisely, some of the 80386 instructions.

All x86 processors instructions can fit into 3 categories :

  • data movement instructions
  • arithmetical/logical instructions
  • program control instructions

We will only display some of the more important instructions of each category since many of them are alike.

Data Movement Instructions

These instructions are used to transfer data between registers, between memory and registers, and to initialize data:

movdst, srcMoves the value from source to the destination(erasing what was in the destination before)
pushsrcMoves the value from the source onto the "top" of the stack
popdstMoves the value from the "top" of the stack into the destination
leadst, srcLoads the effective address of the source to the destination
xchgdst, srcSwaps(Exchanges) the values between the source and the destination

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions

These instructions perform arithmetic and logic operations:

adddst, srcAdds the source and the destination, storing the result in the destination
subdst, srcSubtracts the source from the destination, storing the result in the destination
anddst, srcCalculates logical AND between the source and the destination, storing the result in the destination
ordst, srcCalculates logical OR between the source and the destination, storing the result in the destination
xordst, srcCalculates logical XOR between the source and the destination, storing the result in the destination
testdst, srcCalculates logical AND between the source and the destination without storing the result
shldst, <const>Calculates the logical shifted value from the destination with a constant number of positions, storing the result in the destination

Program Control Instructions

These instructions are used to control the flow of programs:

jmp<address>Jumps unconditionally to the specified address(directly, by register, by labels)
cmpdst, srcCompares the source with the destination(more details below)
jcond<address>Jumps conditionally to the specified address depending on the state of the flag(set/not set)/condition variable
call<address>Calls the subroutine located at the specified address

NOTE: The 'cmp dest, src' instruction effectively calculates dest - src behind the scenes(as in subtracting the source from the destination). We are talking about an unsigned subtraction, without storing the result.

Therefore, when talking about the code:

  cmp eax, 0
jl negative

The jump to the negative label will be made only if the value in eax is less than 0. The eax - 0 subtraction is evaluated and if the result is negative(and so, eax is negative), the jump will be made.\ When have comparisons with 0, the same thing can be done more efficiently using the test instruction:

  test eax, eax
jl negative

More on this here.